
As and when the observations, feelings, questions, and ruminations come together and coalesce into cohesive insights and reflections about life and the world, they appear here as #Tuesday2cents.

Pause to enrich

‘’Despite work from home, there is no dip in productivity, most tasks are getting done’’. When I hear this common refrain, I recall my days growing up on a farm. Our farm was blessed with abundant water and sun. Which meant we could grow three crops of rice a year.

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Power of Blessings

At my parents’ home, we had evening prayers. At the end of the prayers, all of us went around seeking blessings from everyone. When we had guests or during a family event, the blessings took lot longer. As a kid, I could sense the blessing ritual was an important practice

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New form of the organisation

Companies are considering many of their employees to continue to ‘’work from home’’. They list many benefits. This is an opportunity to create the new form of the organisation. Often, when the new requires thinking through, the operations, business and the technology areas get the most attention. However, when the

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Reservoir of energy

All of us have seen people who are physically very active, intellectually vibrant and have a tireless ability to connect. Nothing seems to stop them. We have also seen people with low energy, who get exhausted quickly both internally and externally. I am sure many of us have also experienced

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Corona virus

Coronavirus is dominating the news. Every day we are surprised to see the virus raising its head in a new place. It is teaching us some important truths about life. #Everythingisinterconnected. What started off as a health issue soon has become a socio-economic and political issue. It has affected tourism,

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Going on a Pilgrimage

Every year many around the world choose to go on a pilgrimage. While the actual nature of the pilgrimage may vary, we can observe some common themes. Pilgrimage involves travelling to a sacred place. The place holds special meaning for the pilgrim. Journey can be arduous and long. Pilgrims take

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